Extend your trip

Are you planning to spend more time in Italy before or after the tour? Italy has many more things to offer in other regions and cities that can’t be covered in a 2-week tour.

In Tuscany and Umbria, there is a lot to see! If you would like to explore other sites in the area, this is the perfect time to add extra days to your Italian journey.

From Florence, by train, you can easily reach some of the most known tourist destinations in Italy:

  • Venice: 2 hours
  • Bologna: 40 minutes
  • Milan: 2 hours
  • Verona: 2.5 hours
  • Rome: 1.5 hours

We can help you by recommending things to do, places to stay, restaurants and directions.
Or, if you prefer, for an extra fee we will prepare an extension tour tailored to your preferences. Our services can include booking your hotels, buying train tickets, reserving the Skip-line tickets for museums and much more.

We will do everything possible to make your journey the most beautiful ever!

TWU, Tour With Us, Travel With Us, The Way To Travel.